Monday 29 August 2011

The Man Who Crossed Hitler

Based on true events from 1931 when a lawyer, Hans Litten, forced Adolf Hitler into a courtroom.  The lawyer was a liberal, left-leaning, even, and Jewish.  The only possible TWNHs could be in the minute details of production, or of character portrayal.  We're not familiar enough with either to recognise any.  The familiarity of the story, though, is all the more shocking and uplifting for being true: man of integrity defies rising tyrant, achieves the only likely victory - a moral one - and pays the likely penalty of losing his life.  An intelligent script, good performances (playing Hitler must be only slightly less trying than really holding his views) and a great argument for supporting single dramas.  We'd studied modern history and not come across Mr Litten, a man with the courage of his convictions in an age of overblown icons and moral abdication.

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