Friday 24 February 2012

Kidnap & Ransom

Dominic King is a hostage negotiator, and apparently one of the best, if not the best, but strangely his cases seem to go horribly wrong.  Back for a second series, we begin with Dominic (Trevor Eve) warily heaving a sack over the side of a boat into a lake.  A body?  Money?  A full explanation of the script?  Flashback two weeks to a tour bus in India which happens to drive headlong into fleeing hostage-takers with an injured hostage.  Cue the usual mix of fear, brutality, resistance and blundering police, along with scenes of King's estranged wife and colleagues in the UK.  One of the latter has a daughter on the bus.

Involving enough to keep viewers for the second episode, although three, like the first series, is stretching it.  Kidnap is one thing, but hostage-taking has such a high-risk, no-return reputation that it's as much of an endurance test for the viewers as for the poor hostages.  Doesn't it always  have a bloody ending?

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