Sunday 27 November 2011

Forbrydelsen - The Killing II

The formula that made the first series such compelling viewing has been followed fairly closely for the second - a woman tortured and killed, political skullduggery, dark secrets from the past and a tenacious Sarah Lund.

Almost halfway through, and no sign of a free Saturday evening and yet... it's a bit less special than series one.  Hard to put a finger on, except that maybe it's a little too like a formula, and that the sexual tension between Lund and Strange is a sorry replacement for the originality of her previous stable (at least initially) relationship.

The other thing this series lacks is the human element provided by the Birk Larsen family and friends, shattered and grieving, and in terms of TV drama, a rare portrayal of the impact and consequences of murder.


  1. I still was on the edge of my seat for the last 10 minutes of episode 10. Loved it.

  2. We were too, Bill, but while it's still way ahead of most of the competition, we maintain it's moving towards the formulaic. Hopefully series III will avoid having Lund involved with someone who's either killer or victim (or both!) and not end with a political compromise based on disillusion. Most importantly, though, we'd like a permanent return to the jumpers....
